CodeSystem Comparison between vs


InformationCodeSystem.titleValues for title differ: 'h l7 workgroup' vs 'hl7 workgroup code system'
InformationCodeSystem.statusValues for status differ: 'draft' vs 'active'
WarningCodeSystem.concept.where(code='cbcc').displayChanged value for display: 'Community Based Collaborative Care' vs 'Community-Based Care and Privacy'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='cbcc').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Community Based Collaborative Care (' vs 'Community-Based Care and Privacy ('
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='cds').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Clinical Decision Support (' vs 'Clinical Decision Support ('
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='ehr').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Electronic Health Records (' vs 'Electronic Health Records ('
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='inm').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Infrastructure And Messaging (' vs 'Infrastructure And Messaging ('
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='its').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Implementable Technology Specifications (' vs 'Implementable Technology Specifications ('
WarningCodeSystem.concept.where(code='pher').displayChanged value for display: 'Public Health and Emergency Response' vs 'Public Health'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='pher').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Public Health and Emergency Response (' vs 'Public Health ('
WarningCodeSystem.concept.where(code='us').displayChanged value for display: 'US Realm Taskforce' vs 'US Realm Steering Committee'


                      .publisherHL7 International / FHIR Infrastructure
                          • Values Differ
                          .titleh l7 workgrouphl7 workgroup code system
                          • Values Differ


                              .cbccCommunity Based Collaborative CareCommunity-Based Care and Privacy
                              • display changed from left to right
                              • definition changed from left to right
                              .cdsClinical Decision Support
                              • definition changed from left to right
                              .cqiClinical Quality Information
                                .cgClinical Genomics
                                  .devHealth Care Devices
                                    .ehrElectronic Health Records
                                    • definition changed from left to right
                                    .fhirFHIR Infrastructure
                                      .fmFinancial Management
                                        .hsiHealth Standards Integration
                                          .iiImaging Integration
                                            .inmInfrastructure And Messaging
                                            • definition changed from left to right
                                            .itsImplementable Technology Specifications
                                            • definition changed from left to right
                                            .mnmModeling and Methodology
                                              .ooOrders and Observations
                                                .paPatient Administration
                                                  .pcPatient Care
                                                    .pherPublic Health and Emergency ResponsePublic Health
                                                    • display changed from left to right
                                                    • definition changed from left to right
                                                      .brrBiomedical Research and Regulation
                                                        .sdStructured Documents
                                                            .usUS Realm TaskforceUS Realm Steering Committee
                                                            • display changed from left to right
                                                              .aidApplication Implementation and Design
                                                                .ardenArden Syntax
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .cdamgCDA Management Group
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .cgpCross-Group Projects
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .cicClinical Interoperability Council
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .cimiClinical Information Modeling Initiative
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .claimsPayer/Provider Information Exchange Work Group
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .ecEmergency Care
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .fmgFHIR Management Group
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .hsswgHuman and Social Services
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .htaTerminology Authority
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .lhsLearning Health Systems
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .mobileMobile Health
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .pePatient Empowerment
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .soaServices Oriented Architecture
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .tiTerminology Infrastructure
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .tsmgTerminology Services Management Group (TSMG)
                                                                • Added this concept
                                                                .v2V2 Management Group
                                                                • Added this concept