This page is part of the FHIR Core Extensions Registry (v5.1.0-snapshot1: Release 5.1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 5.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 5.1.0-snapshot1 | |||
Standards status: Trial-use | Maturity Level: 1 | Computable Name: |
Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)
ACTIVE. Published on ?ngen-10? by null.
Group 1Mapping from Assertion Response Types to AssertionResponseTypes
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code |
continue | is related to | okay |
switchingProtocols | is related to | okay |
okay (OK) | is related to | okay |
created | is related to | created |
accepted | is related to | okay |
nonAuthoritativeInformation | is related to | okay |
noContent | is related to | noContent |
resetContent | is related to | okay |
partialContent | is related to | okay |
multipleChoices | is related to | okay |
movedPermanently | is related to | okay |
found | is related to | okay |
seeOther | is related to | okay |
notModified | is related to | okay |
useProxy | is related to | okay |
temporaryRedirect | is related to | okay |
permanentRedirect | is related to | okay |
badRequest | is related to | bad |
unauthorized | is related to | bad |
paymentRequired | is related to | bad |
forbidden | is related to | forbidden |
notFound | is related to | notFound |
methodNotAllowed | is related to | methodNotAllowed |
notAcceptable | is related to | bad |
proxyAuthenticationRequired | is related to | bad |
requestTimeout | is related to | bad |
conflict | is related to | conflict |
gone | is related to | gone |
lengthRequired | is related to | bad |
preconditionFailed | is related to | preconditionFailed |
contentTooLarge | is related to | bad |
uriTooLong | is related to | bad |
unsupportedMediaType | is related to | bad |
rangeNotSatisfiable | is related to | bad |
expectationFailed | is related to | bad |
misdirectedRequest | is related to | bad |
unprocessableContent | is related to | unprocessable |
upgradeRequired | is related to | bad |
internalServerError | is related to | bad |
notImplemented | is related to | bad |
badGateway | is related to | bad |
serviceUnavailable | is related to | bad |
gatewayTimeout | is related to | bad |
httpVersionNotSupported | is related to | bad |