This table lists extensions for the Medication resource defined in association with the core specification. For background information, see
Additional extensions may be found in published
Implementation Guides and in the
Conformance resource registry .
Identity | Conf. | Type | Context | FMM |
Extensions defined for this resource |
medication-manufacturingBatch | 0..1 | (complex) | Medication.batch, Substance | 1 |
Extensions defined for many resources including this resource |
datatype | 0..1 | string | Base | 1 |
artifact-author | 0..* | ContactDetail | DomainResource | 1 |
derivation-reference | 0..* | (complex) | Resource, Element | 0 |
patient-sexForClinicalUse | 0..* | (complex) | Resource | 1 |
resource-instance-description | 0..1 | markdown | Resource | 1 |
resource-instance-name | 0..1 | string | Resource | 1 |
resource-pertainsToGoal | 0..* | Reference | Resource | 1 |
satisfies-requirement | 0..* | (complex) | Resource, Element | 0 |
Extensions that refer to this resource |
(None found) |
Extensions that refer to many resources including this resource |
alternate-reference | 0..1 | Reference | Reference | 1 |
cqf-relativeDateTime | 0..1 | (complex) | Element | D |
diagnosticReport-focus | 0..* | Reference | DiagnosticReport | 0 |
event-basedOn | 0..* | Reference | Condition, ChargeItem, ClinicalImpression, Composition, Consent, Coverage, DetectedIssue, DocumentManifest, EpisodeOfCare, ExplanationOfBenefit, FamilyMemberHistory, ImmunizationEvaluation, InventoryReport, MedicationStatement, PaymentNotice, PaymentReconciliation | 1 |
event-partOf | 0..* | Reference | DiagnosticReport, Condition | 1 |
flag-detail | 0..* | Reference | Flag | 1 |
patient-sexForClinicalUse | 0..* | (complex) | Resource | 1 |
replaces | 0..* | canonical | ActivityDefinition, ActorDefinition, CapabilityStatement, ChargeItemDefinition, Citation, CodeSystem, CompartmentDefinition, ConceptMap, ConditionDefinition, EventDefinition, Evidence, EvidenceReport, EvidenceVariable, ExampleScenario, GraphDefinition, ImplementationGuide, Library, Measure, MessageDefinition, NamingSystem, ObservationDefinition, OperationDefinition, PlanDefinition, Questionnaire, Requirements, SearchParameter, SpecimenDefinition, StructureDefinition, StructureMap, SubscriptionTopic, TerminologyCapabilities, TestScript, ValueSet | 1 |
request-replaces | 0..* | Reference | NutritionOrder, SupplyRequest, Task | 1 |
workflow-barrier | 0..* | CodeableReference | Goal, CommunicationRequest, CarePlan.activity | 1 |
workflow-protectiveFactor | 0..* | CodeableReference | Goal, CommunicationRequest, CarePlan.activity | 1 |
workflow-supportingInfo | 0..* | Reference | DiagnosticReport, DocumentReference, Encounter, Observation, CommunicationRequest | 1 |