This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v3.0.2: STU 3). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
. Page versions: R4 R3 R2 HL7 Version 2 Table 0162 
This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2
. Related FHIR content: v2 Route of Administration.
Name: | v2 Route of Administration |
Definition: | FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0162 ( Route of Administration) |
Code System URL: | |
Value Set URL: | |
OID: | ?? |
CodeSystem Resource | XML / JSON |
ValueSet Resource | XML / JSON |
This value set is used in the following places: Code System Content 
Route of Administration
Code | Description | Deutsch (German) | Nederlands (Dutch) | Comment | Version |
AP | Apply Externally | Externe Applikation | Uitwendig gebruik | | added v2.2 |
B | Buccal | buccal | Wang | | added v2.2 |
DT | Dental | dental | Dentaal | | added v2.2 |
EP | Epidural | epidural | Epiduraal | | added v2.3 |
ET | Endotrachial Tube* | endotrachialer Schlauch (insbes.f.respirat.Ther.+Anästh.) | Endotrachiale sonde* | used primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery | added v2.3 |
GTT | Gastrostomy Tube | Magenschlauch | Maagsonde | | added v2.2 |
GU | GU Irrigant | Magenspülung | GU Irrigatiemiddel | | added v2.2 |
IA | Intra-arterial | Intraarteriell | Intra-arteriaal | | added v2.2 |
IB | Intrabursal | Intrabursal | Intrabursaal | | added v2.3 |
IC | Intracardiac | Intracardial | Intracardiaal | | added v2.2 |
ICV | Intracervical (uterus) | Intracervikal (Uterus) | Intracervicaal (uterus) | | added v2.3 |
ID | Intradermal | Intradermal | Intradermaal | | added v2.2 |
IH | Inhalation | Inhalation | Inhalatie | | added v2.2 |
IHA | Intrahepatic Artery | | Intrahepatische ader | | added v2.3.1 |
IM | Intramuscular | Intramuskulär | Intramusculair | | added v2.2 |
IMR | Immerse (Soak) Body Part | | Dompel (Week) lichaamsdeel | | added v2.3 |
IN | Intranasal | Intranasal | Intranasaal | | added v2.2 |
IO | Intraocular | Intraokular | Intraoculair | | added v2.2 |
IP | Intraperitoneal | Intraperitoneal | Intraperitoneaal | | added v2.2 |
IS | Intrasynovial | Intrasynovial | Intrasynoviaal | | added v2.2 |
IT | Intrathecal | Intrathekal | Intrathecaal | | added v2.2 |
IU | Intrauterine | | Intra-uterine | | added v2.3.1 |
IV | Intravenous | Intravenös | Intraveneus | | added v2.2 |
MM | Mucous Membrane | Mukosamembran | Slijmvlies | | added v2.3 |
MTH | Mouth/Throat | | Mond/keel | | added v2.3.1 |
NG | Nasogastric | Nasogastral | Nasogastrisch | | added v2.2 |
NP | Nasal Prongs* | Nasenklemme (insbes.f.respirat.Ther.+Anästh.) | Neuskap* | used primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery | added v2.3 |
NS | Nasal | Nasal | Nasaal | | added v2.2 |
NT | Nasotrachial Tube | | Neussonde | | added v2.3 |
OP | Ophthalmic | In das Auge | Oculair | | added v2.2 |
OT | Otic | In das Ohr | Auriculair | | added v2.2 |
OTH | Other/Miscellaneous | | Anders/overig | | added v2.3 |
PF | Perfusion | Perfusion | Perfusie | | added v2.3 |
PO | Oral | Oral | Oraal | | added v2.2 |
PR | Rectal | Rektal | Rectaal | | added v2.2 |
RM | Rebreather Mask* | Beatmungsmaske (insbes.f.respirat.Ther.+Anästh.) | Rebreather-masker* | used primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery | added v2.3 |
SC | Subcutaneous | Subkutan | Subcutaan | | added v2.2 |
SD | Soaked Dressing | | Verzadigde dressing | | added v2.3 |
SL | Sublingual | Sublingual | Sublinguaal | | added v2.2 |
TD | Transdermal | Transdermal | Transdermaal | | added v2.2 |
TL | Translingual | Translingual | Translinguaal | | added v2.2 |
TP | Topical | Lokal | Topicaal | | added v2.2 |
TRA | Tracheostomy* | Tracheostomie (insbes.f.respirat.Ther.+Anästh.) | Tracheostomie* | used primarily for respiratory therapy and anesthesia delivery | added v2.3 |
UR | Urethral | Urethral | Urethraal | | added v2.2 |
VG | Vaginal | Vaginal | Vaginaal | | added v2.2 |
VM | Ventimask | | Ventimasker | | added v2.3 |
WND | Wound | | Wond | | added v2.3 |