This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.0.2: DSTU 2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R4 R3 R2

4.26.12 Core extensions for Questionnaire Scope and Usage

The core extensions provide HL7 provided extensions to the Questionnaire resource. Content

questionnaire-categoryWhat kind of questionnaire? :

A code that identifies the questionnaire as falling into a particular group of like questionnaires; e.g. "Pediatric", "Admissions", "Research", "Demographic", "Opinion Survey", etc.

questionnaire-labelE.g. "1(a)", "2.5.3" :

A label for a particular group or question within the questionnaire.

questionnaire-minOccursMinimum repetitions :

The minimum number of times the group must appear or the minimum number of answers for a question - when greater than 1.

questionnaire-maxOccursMaximum repetitions :

The maximum number of times the group must appear or the minimum number of answers for a question - when greater than 1 and not unlimited.

questionnaire-hiddenDon't display to user :

If true, indicates that the containing group or question should not be displayed to the user for data entry.

questionnaire-enableWhenOnly allow data when: :

If present, indicates that the group or question containing the extension should only be enabled (allow an answer to be present and, in most circumstances, even be visible to the user) when the specified condition is true.

questionnaire-questionControlE.g. Checkbox, Combo-box, Lookup, etc. :

The type of data entry control that should be exposed to the user when capturing the answer to the question.

questionnaire-choiceOrientationhorizontal | vertical :

Identifies the desired orientation when rendering a list of choices (typically radio-box or check-box lists).

questionnaire-defaultValueInitial presumed answer for question :

This is the value that should be pre-populated when rendering the questionnaire for user input.

questionnaire-readOnlyDon't allow human editing :

If true, the value cannot be changed by a human respondent to the Questionnaire.

questionnaire-deReferenceImplemented CDE :

A reference to the Data Element that corresponds to the question text and answer constraints for this question.

questionnaire-deMapMap linking questions to DataElements :

Identifies a map that links the questionnaire (source) to a DataElement server and identifies which questions correspond to which data elements (by linkId and local identifier, respectively).

questionnaire-allowedResourceAllowed resource for reference :

Where the type for a question is "Reference", indicates a type of resource that is permitted.

questionnaire-instructionHow to populate group or question :

The text provides instructions intended to be rendered with the element explaining how the content of the element is to be completed. This should be rendered in-line before the question or group.

questionnaire-securitySecurity/privacy rules governing group/question :

The text describes specific security and/or privacy considerations associated with the element; e.g. retention rules, data access control expectations, etc.

questionnaire-helpText to display if help incoked on group/question :

The content is intended for display if a user selects an icon or performs some other action seeking help about the element.

questionnaire-tooltipFly-over or equivalent text :

The content is intended for use in a fly-over or similar display mechanism - primarily intended for online form entry.

questionnaire-trailingText to display after group/question content :

The text should be displayed after all of the other the content of the group or question.

questionnaire-unitsUnit of measure for question :

Identifies the units in which the question's answer should be captured.

questionnaire-lowRangeLabelLabel for low end of slider :

When a coded ordered value is selected from a range, indicates the label lifted to the left of the first value; e.g. The "very unsatisfied" in "very unsatisfied 0 1 2 3 4 5 very satisfied".

questionnaire-highRangeLabelLabel for high end of slider :

When a coded ordered value is selected from a range, indicates the label lifted to the right of the last value; e.g. The "very satisfied" in "very unsatisfied 0 1 2 3 4 5 very satisfied".

questionnaire-maxLengthNo more than this many characters :

The maximum number of characters that must be present in the simple data type to be considered a "valid" instance. Search Parameters

Search parameters defined by this package. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

categorytokenCode categorizing the questionnairef:Questionnaire/f:extension[@url='http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/questionnaire-category']XML / JSON
deReferencetokenA data element referenced by one of the questions in the questionnairef:Questionnaire/f:group/f:question/f:extension[@url='http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/questionnaire-deReference']XML / JSON