This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.0.2: DSTU 2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
. Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2
7.1.6 Resource Claim - Mappings 
Mappings for the claim resource. Mappings for RIM ( 
Claim | |
type | |
identifier | |
ruleset | |
originalRuleset | |
created | |
target | |
provider | |
organization | |
use | |
priority | |
fundsReserve | |
enterer | |
facility | |
prescription | |
originalPrescription | |
payee | |
type | |
provider | |
organization | |
person | |
referral | |
diagnosis | |
sequence | |
diagnosis | |
condition | |
patient | |
coverage | Coverage |
sequence | |
focal | |
coverage | |
businessArrangement | |
relationship | |
preAuthRef | |
claimResponse | |
originalRuleset | |
exception | |
school | |
accident | |
accidentType | |
interventionException | |
item | |
sequence | |
type | |
provider | |
diagnosisLinkId | |
service | |
serviceDate | |
quantity | |
unitPrice | |
factor | |
points | |
net | |
udi | |
bodySite | |
subSite | |
modifier | |
detail | |
sequence | |
type | |
service | |
quantity | |
unitPrice | |
factor | |
points | |
net | |
udi | |
subDetail | |
sequence | |
type | |
service | |
quantity | |
unitPrice | |
factor | |
points | |
net | |
udi | |
prosthesis | |
initial | |
priorDate | |
priorMaterial | |
additionalMaterials | |
missingTeeth | |
tooth | |
reason | |
extractionDate | |