This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-snapshot1: R5 Snapshot #1). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2
Patient Care Work Group | Maturity Level: 2 | Trial Use | Security Category: Patient | Compartments: Patient |
Significant health conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the context of care for the patient.
FamilyMemberHistory is one of the event resources in the FHIR workflow specification.
This resource records significant health conditions for a particular individual related to the subject. This information can be known to different levels of accuracy. Sometimes the exact condition ('asthma') is known, and sometimes it is less precise ('some sort of cancer'). Equally, sometimes the person can be identified ('my aunt Agatha') and sometimes all that is known is that the person was an uncle.
This resource represents a simple structure used to capture an 'elementary' family history for a particular family member. However, it can also be the basis for capturing a more rigorous history useful for genetic and other analysis - refer to the Genetic Pedigree profile for an example.
The entire family history for an individual can be represented by combining references to FamilyMemberHistory instances into a List resource instance.
This resource is referenced by AdverseEvent.
This resource implements the Event pattern.
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
FamilyMemberHistory | TU | DomainResource | Information about patient's relatives, relevant for patient + Rule: Can have age[x] or born[x], but not both + Rule: Can only have estimatedAge if age[x] is present Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension | |
identifier | Σ | 0..* | Identifier | External Id(s) for this record |
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..* | canonical(PlanDefinition | Questionnaire | ActivityDefinition | Measure | OperationDefinition) | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition |
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..* | uri | Instantiates external protocol or definition |
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown FamilyHistoryStatus (Required) |
dataAbsentReason | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred FamilyHistoryAbsentReason (Example) |
patient | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Patient) | Patient history is about |
date | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | When history was recorded or last updated |
name | Σ | 0..1 | string | The family member described |
relationship | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Relationship to the subject FamilyMember (Example) |
sex | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | male | female | other | unknown AdministrativeGender (Extensible) |
born[x] | I | 0..1 | (approximate) date of birth | |
bornPeriod | Period | |||
bornDate | date | |||
bornString | string | |||
age[x] | ΣI | 0..1 | (approximate) age | |
ageAge | Age | |||
ageRange | Range | |||
ageString | string | |||
estimatedAge | ΣI | 0..1 | boolean | Age is estimated? |
deceased[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Dead? How old/when? | |
deceasedBoolean | boolean | |||
deceasedAge | Age | |||
deceasedRange | Range | |||
deceasedDate | date | |||
deceasedString | string | |||
reason | Σ | 0..* | CodeableReference(Condition | Observation | AllergyIntolerance | QuestionnaireResponse | DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference) | Why was family member history performed? SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (Example) |
note | 0..* | Annotation | General note about related person | |
condition | 0..* | BackboneElement | Condition that the related person had | |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Condition suffered by relation Condition/Problem/Diagnosis Codes (Example) | |
outcome | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | deceased | permanent disability | etc. Condition Outcome Codes (Example) | |
contributedToDeath | 0..1 | boolean | Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death | |
onset[x] | 0..1 | When condition first manifested | ||
onsetAge | Age | |||
onsetRange | Range | |||
onsetPeriod | Period | |||
onsetString | string | |||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Extra information about condition | |
procedure | 0..* | BackboneElement | Procedures that the related person had | |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Procedures performed on the related person Procedure Codes (SNOMED CT) (Example) | |
outcome | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | What happened following the procedure SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (Example) | |
contributedToDeath | 0..1 | boolean | Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death | |
performed[x] | 0..1 | When the procedure was performed | ||
performedAge | Age | |||
performedRange | Range | |||
performedPeriod | Period | |||
performedString | string | |||
performedDateTime | dateTime | |||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Extra information about the procedure | |
Documentation for this format |
UML Diagram (Legend)
XML Template
<FamilyMemberHistory xmlns=""> <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language --> <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension --> <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier External Id(s) for this record --></identifier> <instantiatesCanonical><!-- 0..* canonical(ActivityDefinition|Measure| OperationDefinition|PlanDefinition|Questionnaire) Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition --></instantiatesCanonical> <instantiatesUri value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..* Instantiates external protocol or definition --> <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown --> <dataAbsentReason><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred --></dataAbsentReason> <patient><!-- 1..1 Reference(Patient) Patient history is about --></patient> <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When history was recorded or last updated --> <name value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 The family member described --> <relationship><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Relationship to the subject --></relationship> <sex><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept male | female | other | unknown --></sex> <born[x]><!-- 0..1 Period|date|string (approximate) date of birth --></born[x]> <age[x]><!-- 0..1 Age|Range|string (approximate) age --></age[x]> <estimatedAge value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Age is estimated? --> <deceased[x]><!-- 0..1 boolean|Age|Range|date|string Dead? How old/when? --></deceased[x]> <reason><!-- 0..* CodeableReference(AllergyIntolerance|Condition| DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference|Observation|QuestionnaireResponse) Why was family member history performed? --></reason> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation General note about related person --></note> <condition> <!-- 0..* Condition that the related person had --> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Condition suffered by relation --></code> <outcome><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept deceased | permanent disability | etc. --></outcome> <contributedToDeath value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death --> <onset[x]><!-- 0..1 Age|Range|Period|string When condition first manifested --></onset[x]> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Extra information about condition --></note> </condition> <procedure> <!-- 0..* Procedures that the related person had --> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Procedures performed on the related person --></code> <outcome><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What happened following the procedure --></outcome> <contributedToDeath value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death --> <performed[x]><!-- 0..1 Age|Range|Period|string|dateTime When the procedure was performed --></performed[x]> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Extra information about the procedure --></note> </procedure> </FamilyMemberHistory>
JSON Template
{ "resourceType" : "FamilyMemberHistory", // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // External Id(s) for this record "instantiatesCanonical" : [{ canonical(ActivityDefinition|Measure| OperationDefinition|PlanDefinition|Questionnaire) }], // Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition "instantiatesUri" : ["<uri>"], // Instantiates external protocol or definition "status" : "<code>", // R! partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown "dataAbsentReason" : { CodeableConcept }, // subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred "patient" : { Reference(Patient) }, // R! Patient history is about "date" : "<dateTime>", // When history was recorded or last updated "name" : "<string>", // The family member described "relationship" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Relationship to the subject "sex" : { CodeableConcept }, // male | female | other | unknown // born[x]: (approximate) date of birth. One of these 3: "bornPeriod" : { Period }, "bornDate" : "<date>", "bornString" : "<string>", // age[x]: (approximate) age. One of these 3: "ageAge" : { Age }, "ageRange" : { Range }, "ageString" : "<string>", "estimatedAge" : <boolean>, // C? Age is estimated? // deceased[x]: Dead? How old/when?. One of these 5: "deceasedBoolean" : <boolean>, "deceasedAge" : { Age }, "deceasedRange" : { Range }, "deceasedDate" : "<date>", "deceasedString" : "<string>", "reason" : [{ CodeableReference(AllergyIntolerance|Condition| DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference|Observation|QuestionnaireResponse) }], // Why was family member history performed? "note" : [{ Annotation }], // General note about related person "condition" : [{ // Condition that the related person had "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Condition suffered by relation "outcome" : { CodeableConcept }, // deceased | permanent disability | etc. "contributedToDeath" : <boolean>, // Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death // onset[x]: When condition first manifested. One of these 4: "onsetAge" : { Age }, "onsetRange" : { Range }, "onsetPeriod" : { Period }, "onsetString" : "<string>", "note" : [{ Annotation }] // Extra information about condition }], "procedure" : [{ // Procedures that the related person had "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Procedures performed on the related person "outcome" : { CodeableConcept }, // What happened following the procedure "contributedToDeath" : <boolean>, // Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death // performed[x]: When the procedure was performed. One of these 5: "performedAge" : { Age }, "performedRange" : { Range }, "performedPeriod" : { Period }, "performedString" : "<string>", "performedDateTime" : "<dateTime>", "note" : [{ Annotation }] // Extra information about the procedure }] }
Turtle Template
@prefix fhir: <> . [ a fhir:FamilyMemberHistory; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* External Id(s) for this record fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesCanonical [ canonical(ActivityDefinition|Measure|OperationDefinition|PlanDefinition|Questionnaire) ], ... ; # 0..* Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesUri [ uri ], ... ; # 0..* Instantiates external protocol or definition fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.status [ code ]; # 1..1 partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.patient [ Reference(Patient) ]; # 1..1 Patient history is about [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When history was recorded or last updated [ string ]; # 0..1 The family member described fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.relationship [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Relationship to the subject [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 male | female | other | unknown # FamilyMemberHistory.born[x] : 0..1 (approximate) date of birth. One of these 3 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.bornPeriod [ Period ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.bornDate [ date ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.bornString [ string ] # FamilyMemberHistory.age[x] : 0..1 (approximate) age. One of these 3 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.ageAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.ageRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.ageString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.estimatedAge [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Age is estimated? # FamilyMemberHistory.deceased[x] : 0..1 Dead? How old/when?. One of these 5 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedBoolean [ boolean ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedDate [ date ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.reason [ CodeableReference(AllergyIntolerance|Condition|DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference|Observation| QuestionnaireResponse) ], ... ; # 0..* Why was family member history performed? fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* General note about related person fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition [ # 0..* Condition that the related person had fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Condition suffered by relation fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.outcome [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 deceased | permanent disability | etc. fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.contributedToDeath [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death # FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x] : 0..1 When condition first manifested. One of these 4 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetPeriod [ Period ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Extra information about condition ], ...; fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure [ # 0..* Procedures that the related person had fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Procedures performed on the related person fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.outcome [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 What happened following the procedure fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.contributedToDeath [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death # FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performed[x] : 0..1 When the procedure was performed. One of these 5 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedPeriod [ Period ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedDateTime [ dateTime ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Extra information about the procedure ], ...; ]
Changes since R3
FamilyMemberHistory | |
FamilyMemberHistory.status |
| |
FamilyMemberHistory.reason |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.code |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.outcome |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.contributedToDeath |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performed[x] |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.note |
FamilyMemberHistory.reasonCode |
FamilyMemberHistory.reasonReference |
See the Full Difference for further information
This analysis is available as XML or JSON.
See R3 <--> R4 Conversion Maps (status = 2 tests that all execute ok. All tests pass round-trip testing and 1 r3 resources are invalid (0 errors).)
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
FamilyMemberHistory | TU | DomainResource | Information about patient's relatives, relevant for patient + Rule: Can have age[x] or born[x], but not both + Rule: Can only have estimatedAge if age[x] is present Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension | |
identifier | Σ | 0..* | Identifier | External Id(s) for this record |
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..* | canonical(PlanDefinition | Questionnaire | ActivityDefinition | Measure | OperationDefinition) | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition |
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..* | uri | Instantiates external protocol or definition |
status | ?!Σ | 1..1 | code | partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown FamilyHistoryStatus (Required) |
dataAbsentReason | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred FamilyHistoryAbsentReason (Example) |
patient | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Patient) | Patient history is about |
date | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | When history was recorded or last updated |
name | Σ | 0..1 | string | The family member described |
relationship | Σ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Relationship to the subject FamilyMember (Example) |
sex | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | male | female | other | unknown AdministrativeGender (Extensible) |
born[x] | I | 0..1 | (approximate) date of birth | |
bornPeriod | Period | |||
bornDate | date | |||
bornString | string | |||
age[x] | ΣI | 0..1 | (approximate) age | |
ageAge | Age | |||
ageRange | Range | |||
ageString | string | |||
estimatedAge | ΣI | 0..1 | boolean | Age is estimated? |
deceased[x] | Σ | 0..1 | Dead? How old/when? | |
deceasedBoolean | boolean | |||
deceasedAge | Age | |||
deceasedRange | Range | |||
deceasedDate | date | |||
deceasedString | string | |||
reason | Σ | 0..* | CodeableReference(Condition | Observation | AllergyIntolerance | QuestionnaireResponse | DiagnosticReport | DocumentReference) | Why was family member history performed? SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (Example) |
note | 0..* | Annotation | General note about related person | |
condition | 0..* | BackboneElement | Condition that the related person had | |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Condition suffered by relation Condition/Problem/Diagnosis Codes (Example) | |
outcome | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | deceased | permanent disability | etc. Condition Outcome Codes (Example) | |
contributedToDeath | 0..1 | boolean | Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death | |
onset[x] | 0..1 | When condition first manifested | ||
onsetAge | Age | |||
onsetRange | Range | |||
onsetPeriod | Period | |||
onsetString | string | |||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Extra information about condition | |
procedure | 0..* | BackboneElement | Procedures that the related person had | |
code | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Procedures performed on the related person Procedure Codes (SNOMED CT) (Example) | |
outcome | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | What happened following the procedure SNOMED CT Clinical Findings (Example) | |
contributedToDeath | 0..1 | boolean | Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death | |
performed[x] | 0..1 | When the procedure was performed | ||
performedAge | Age | |||
performedRange | Range | |||
performedPeriod | Period | |||
performedString | string | |||
performedDateTime | dateTime | |||
note | 0..* | Annotation | Extra information about the procedure | |
Documentation for this format |
XML Template
<FamilyMemberHistory xmlns=""> <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language --> <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension --> <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier External Id(s) for this record --></identifier> <instantiatesCanonical><!-- 0..* canonical(ActivityDefinition|Measure| OperationDefinition|PlanDefinition|Questionnaire) Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition --></instantiatesCanonical> <instantiatesUri value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..* Instantiates external protocol or definition --> <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown --> <dataAbsentReason><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred --></dataAbsentReason> <patient><!-- 1..1 Reference(Patient) Patient history is about --></patient> <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 When history was recorded or last updated --> <name value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 The family member described --> <relationship><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Relationship to the subject --></relationship> <sex><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept male | female | other | unknown --></sex> <born[x]><!-- 0..1 Period|date|string (approximate) date of birth --></born[x]> <age[x]><!-- 0..1 Age|Range|string (approximate) age --></age[x]> <estimatedAge value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Age is estimated? --> <deceased[x]><!-- 0..1 boolean|Age|Range|date|string Dead? How old/when? --></deceased[x]> <reason><!-- 0..* CodeableReference(AllergyIntolerance|Condition| DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference|Observation|QuestionnaireResponse) Why was family member history performed? --></reason> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation General note about related person --></note> <condition> <!-- 0..* Condition that the related person had --> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Condition suffered by relation --></code> <outcome><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept deceased | permanent disability | etc. --></outcome> <contributedToDeath value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death --> <onset[x]><!-- 0..1 Age|Range|Period|string When condition first manifested --></onset[x]> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Extra information about condition --></note> </condition> <procedure> <!-- 0..* Procedures that the related person had --> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Procedures performed on the related person --></code> <outcome><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What happened following the procedure --></outcome> <contributedToDeath value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death --> <performed[x]><!-- 0..1 Age|Range|Period|string|dateTime When the procedure was performed --></performed[x]> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Extra information about the procedure --></note> </procedure> </FamilyMemberHistory>
JSON Template
{ "resourceType" : "FamilyMemberHistory", // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // External Id(s) for this record "instantiatesCanonical" : [{ canonical(ActivityDefinition|Measure| OperationDefinition|PlanDefinition|Questionnaire) }], // Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition "instantiatesUri" : ["<uri>"], // Instantiates external protocol or definition "status" : "<code>", // R! partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown "dataAbsentReason" : { CodeableConcept }, // subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred "patient" : { Reference(Patient) }, // R! Patient history is about "date" : "<dateTime>", // When history was recorded or last updated "name" : "<string>", // The family member described "relationship" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Relationship to the subject "sex" : { CodeableConcept }, // male | female | other | unknown // born[x]: (approximate) date of birth. One of these 3: "bornPeriod" : { Period }, "bornDate" : "<date>", "bornString" : "<string>", // age[x]: (approximate) age. One of these 3: "ageAge" : { Age }, "ageRange" : { Range }, "ageString" : "<string>", "estimatedAge" : <boolean>, // C? Age is estimated? // deceased[x]: Dead? How old/when?. One of these 5: "deceasedBoolean" : <boolean>, "deceasedAge" : { Age }, "deceasedRange" : { Range }, "deceasedDate" : "<date>", "deceasedString" : "<string>", "reason" : [{ CodeableReference(AllergyIntolerance|Condition| DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference|Observation|QuestionnaireResponse) }], // Why was family member history performed? "note" : [{ Annotation }], // General note about related person "condition" : [{ // Condition that the related person had "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Condition suffered by relation "outcome" : { CodeableConcept }, // deceased | permanent disability | etc. "contributedToDeath" : <boolean>, // Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death // onset[x]: When condition first manifested. One of these 4: "onsetAge" : { Age }, "onsetRange" : { Range }, "onsetPeriod" : { Period }, "onsetString" : "<string>", "note" : [{ Annotation }] // Extra information about condition }], "procedure" : [{ // Procedures that the related person had "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Procedures performed on the related person "outcome" : { CodeableConcept }, // What happened following the procedure "contributedToDeath" : <boolean>, // Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death // performed[x]: When the procedure was performed. One of these 5: "performedAge" : { Age }, "performedRange" : { Range }, "performedPeriod" : { Period }, "performedString" : "<string>", "performedDateTime" : "<dateTime>", "note" : [{ Annotation }] // Extra information about the procedure }] }
Turtle Template
@prefix fhir: <> . [ a fhir:FamilyMemberHistory; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* External Id(s) for this record fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesCanonical [ canonical(ActivityDefinition|Measure|OperationDefinition|PlanDefinition|Questionnaire) ], ... ; # 0..* Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesUri [ uri ], ... ; # 0..* Instantiates external protocol or definition fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.status [ code ]; # 1..1 partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 subject-unknown | withheld | unable-to-obtain | deferred fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.patient [ Reference(Patient) ]; # 1..1 Patient history is about [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 When history was recorded or last updated [ string ]; # 0..1 The family member described fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.relationship [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Relationship to the subject [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 male | female | other | unknown # FamilyMemberHistory.born[x] : 0..1 (approximate) date of birth. One of these 3 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.bornPeriod [ Period ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.bornDate [ date ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.bornString [ string ] # FamilyMemberHistory.age[x] : 0..1 (approximate) age. One of these 3 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.ageAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.ageRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.ageString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.estimatedAge [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Age is estimated? # FamilyMemberHistory.deceased[x] : 0..1 Dead? How old/when?. One of these 5 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedBoolean [ boolean ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedDate [ date ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.deceasedString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.reason [ CodeableReference(AllergyIntolerance|Condition|DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference|Observation| QuestionnaireResponse) ], ... ; # 0..* Why was family member history performed? fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* General note about related person fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition [ # 0..* Condition that the related person had fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Condition suffered by relation fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.outcome [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 deceased | permanent disability | etc. fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.contributedToDeath [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Whether the condition contributed to the cause of death # FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x] : 0..1 When condition first manifested. One of these 4 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetPeriod [ Period ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onsetString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.condition.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Extra information about condition ], ...; fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure [ # 0..* Procedures that the related person had fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 Procedures performed on the related person fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.outcome [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 What happened following the procedure fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.contributedToDeath [ boolean ]; # 0..1 Whether the procedure contributed to the cause of death # FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performed[x] : 0..1 When the procedure was performed. One of these 5 fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedAge [ Age ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedRange [ Range ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedPeriod [ Period ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedString [ string ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performedDateTime [ dateTime ] fhir:FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Extra information about the procedure ], ...; ]
Changes since Release 3
FamilyMemberHistory | |
FamilyMemberHistory.status |
| |
FamilyMemberHistory.reason |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.code |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.outcome |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.contributedToDeath |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.performed[x] |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.note |
FamilyMemberHistory.reasonCode |
FamilyMemberHistory.reasonReference |
See the Full Difference for further information
This analysis is available as XML or JSON.
See R3 <--> R4 Conversion Maps (status = 2 tests that all execute ok. All tests pass round-trip testing and 1 r3 resources are invalid (0 errors).)
See the Profiles & Extensions and the alternate definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) + see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis a
Path | Definition | Type | Reference |
FamilyMemberHistory.status | Required | FamilyHistoryStatus | |
FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason | Example | FamilyHistoryAbsentReason | |
FamilyMemberHistory.relationship | Example | FamilyMember | | | Extensible | AdministrativeGender | |
FamilyMemberHistory.reason | Example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings | |
FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code | Example | Condition/Problem/DiagnosisCodes | |
FamilyMemberHistory.condition.outcome | Example | ConditionOutcomeCodes | |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.code | Example | ProcedureCodes(SNOMEDCT) | |
FamilyMemberHistory.procedure.outcome | Example | SNOMEDCTClinicalFindings |
id | Level | Location | Description | Expression |
fhs-1 | Rule | (base) | Can have age[x] or born[x], but not both | age.empty() or born.empty() |
fhs-2 | Rule | (base) | Can only have estimatedAge if age[x] is present | age.exists() or estimatedAge.empty() |
The Family Member History List may contain other than FamilyMemberHistory resources. For example, a full Family History could be a List that might include a mixture of FamilyMemberHistory records as well as Observation records of things like "maternal family history of breast cancer", "number of siblings", "number of female family members with breast cancer" etc.
The List representing a patient's "family history" can include Condition and Observation records that capture "family-history" relevant assertions about the patient themselves that would typically be captured as part of a family history.
Not Reviewed, Not Asked
When a sending system does not have family history about any family members or the statement is about family history not yet being asked, then the List resource should be used to indicate the List.emptyReason="notasked".
Reviewed, None Identified for Family
After reasonable investigation that there are no known items for the family member history list, then the List resource should be used to indicate the List.emptyReason="nilknown". The List.emptyReason represents a statement about the full scope of the list (i.e. the patient or patient's agent/guardian has asserted that there are no conditions or significant events for any family members to record).
Reviewed, No Information Available for a Family Member
When an individual family member's history is not available, FamilyMemberHistory.dataAbsentReason can be used to indicate why that family member's history is not available (e.g. subject unknown).
Reviewed, No Known Problems or Negated Condition for a Family Member
The FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code can be used to capture "No Known Problems" or negated conditions, such as "No history of malignant tumor of breast", for an individual family member.
Search parameters for this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.
Name | Type | Description | Expression | In Common |
code | token | A search by a condition code | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code | |
date N | date | When history was recorded or last updated | | |
identifier | token | A search by a record identifier | FamilyMemberHistory.identifier | |
instantiates-canonical N | reference | Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition | FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesCanonical (Questionnaire, Measure, PlanDefinition, OperationDefinition, ActivityDefinition) | |
instantiates-uri N | uri | Instantiates external protocol or definition | FamilyMemberHistory.instantiatesUri | |
patient | reference | The identity of a subject to list family member history items for | FamilyMemberHistory.patient (Patient) | |
relationship | token | A search by a relationship type | FamilyMemberHistory.relationship | |
sex | token | A search by a sex code of a family member | | |
status N | token | partial | completed | entered-in-error | health-unknown | FamilyMemberHistory.status |