Release 5 Snapshot #1

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-snapshot1: Release 5 Snapshot #1). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R4 R3


FHIR Infrastructure Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: Not linked to any defined compartments

Raw Turtle (+ also see Turtle/RDF Format Specification)

System which records information about EHR events

@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

<> a fhir:CapabilityStatement;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; [ fhir:value "conformance-ehrs-rle"];
  fhir:DomainResource.text [
     fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ];
     fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"\">\n         \n      <h2>Record Lifecycle-conformant Electronic Health Record System</h2>\n         \n      <p>(Requirements Definition)</p>\n         \n      <p>Published: 2014-12-06 (draft)</p>\n         \n      <p>Published by: \n        <b>\n               \n          <a href=\"\">Health Level Seven, Int'l - Electronic Health Record work group</a>\n            \n        </b>\n         \n      </p>\n         \n      <p>This profile defines the expected capabilities of an \n        <i>Electronic Health Record System</i> when conforming to the EHRS functional model's Record Lifecycle specification.\n      </p>\n         \n      <h2>General</h2>\n         \n      <table>\n            \n        <tbody>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>FHIR Version:</th>\n                  \n            <td>0.2</td>\n               \n          </tr>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>Supported formats:</th>\n                  \n            <td>xml, json</td>\n               \n          </tr>\n            \n        </tbody>\n         \n      </table>\n         \n      <h2>REST  behavior</h2>\n         \n      <p>Conformant systems must record \n        <a href=\"../provenance.html\">Provenance</a> records on all Create, Update and Delete actions on any resource other than Provenance or AuditEvent.       Conformant systems must record \n        <a href=\"../auditevent.html\">AuditEvent</a> records on all Create, Update and Delete actions as well as all GET operations (read, search, etc.)\n      </p>\n         \n      <p>\n            \n        <b>Security:</b>\n         \n      </p>\n         \n      <p>Any security rules??</p>\n         \n      <h3>Summary</h3>\n         \n      <table class=\"grid\">\n            \n        <thead>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>Resource</th>\n                  \n            <th>Search</th>\n                  \n            <th>Read</th>\n                  \n            <th>Read Version</th>\n                  \n            <th>Instance History</th>\n                  \n            <th>Resource History</th>\n                  \n            <th>Validate</th>\n                  \n            <th>Create</th>\n                  \n            <th>Update</th>\n                  \n            <th>Delete</th>\n               \n          </tr>\n            \n        </thead>\n            \n        <tbody>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>Provenance</th>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td>\n                     \n              <a href=\"#Provenance-create\" title=\"Allows defining a new data element.  Repositories requiring curation of submitted data elements may require all new data elements to have a status of 'draft'.\">Yes</a>\n                  \n            </td>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n               \n          </tr>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>AuditEvent</th>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td>\n                     \n              <a href=\"#AuditEvent-create\" title=\"Allows defining a new data element.  Repositories requiring curation of submitted data elements may require all new data elements to have a status of 'draft'.\">Yes</a>\n                  \n            </td>\n                  \n            <td/>\n                  \n            <td/>\n               \n          </tr>\n            \n        </tbody>\n         \n      </table>\n         \n      <br/>\n         \n      <br/>\n         \n      <h3>\n            \n        <a href=\"../provenance.html\">Provenance</a>\n         \n      </h3>\n         \n      <h4>Interactions</h4>\n         \n      <table class=\"list\">\n            \n        <thead>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>Name</th>\n                  \n            <th>Description</th>\n               \n          </tr>\n            \n        </thead>\n            \n        <tbody>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>\n                     \n              <a name=\"Provenance-create\"> </a>\n                     \n              <span>create</span>\n                  \n            </th>\n                  \n            <td>\n                     \n              <p>Allows defining a new data element.  Repositories requiring curation of submitted data elements may require all new data elements to have a status of 'draft'.</p>\n                  \n            </td>\n               \n          </tr>\n            \n        </tbody>\n         \n      </table>\n         \n      <br/>\n         \n      <br/>\n         \n      <h3>\n            \n        <a href=\"../auditevent.html\">AuditEvent</a>\n         \n      </h3>\n         \n      <h4>Interactions</h4>\n         \n      <table class=\"list\">\n            \n        <thead>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>Name</th>\n                  \n            <th>Description</th>\n               \n          </tr>\n            \n        </thead>\n            \n        <tbody>\n               \n          <tr>\n                  \n            <th>\n                     \n              <a name=\"AuditEvent-create\"> </a>\n                     \n              <span>create</span>\n                  \n            </th>\n                  \n            <td>\n                     \n              <p>Allows defining a new data element.  Repositories requiring curation of submitted data elements may require all new data elements to have a status of 'draft'.</p>\n                  \n            </td>\n               \n          </tr>\n            \n        </tbody>\n         \n      </table>\n      \n    </div>"
  ]; [ fhir:value "Record Lifecycle-conformant Electronic Health Record System"];
  fhir:CapabilityStatement.status [ fhir:value "draft"]; [ fhir:value "2014-12-06"^^xsd:date];
  fhir:CapabilityStatement.publisher [ fhir:value "Health Level Seven, Int'l - Electronic Health Record work group"]; [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:ContactDetail.telecom [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ContactPoint.system [ fhir:value "other" ];
       fhir:ContactPoint.value [ fhir:value "" ]
  fhir:CapabilityStatement.description [ fhir:value "This profile defines the expected capabilities of an ''Electronic Health Record System'' when conforming to the EHRS functional model's Record Lifecycle specification."];
  fhir:CapabilityStatement.kind [ fhir:value "requirements"];
  fhir:CapabilityStatement.fhirVersion [ fhir:value "4.2.0"];
  fhir:CapabilityStatement.format [
     fhir:value "xml";
     fhir:index 0
  ], [
     fhir:value "json";
     fhir:index 1
  ]; [
     fhir:index 0; [ fhir:value "client" ]; [ fhir:value "Conformant systems must record [[Provenance]] records on all Create, Update and Delete actions on any resource other than Provenance or AuditEvent.       Conformant systems must record [[AuditEvent]] records on all Create, Update and Delete actions as well as all GET operations (read, search, etc.)" ]; [ [ fhir:value "Any security rules??" ]
     ]; [
       fhir:index 0; [ fhir:value "Provenance" ]; [
         fhir:value "";
         fhir:link <>
       ]; [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Element.extension [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "SHALL" ]
         ]; [ fhir:value "create" ]; [ fhir:value "Allows defining a new data element.  Repositories requiring curation of submitted data elements may require all new data elements to have a status of 'draft'." ]
     ], [
       fhir:index 1; [ fhir:value "AuditEvent" ]; [
         fhir:value "";
         fhir:link <>
       ]; [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Element.extension [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Extension.valueCode [ fhir:value "SHALL" ]
         ]; [ fhir:value "create" ]; [ fhir:value "Allows defining a new data element.  Repositories requiring curation of submitted data elements may require all new data elements to have a status of 'draft'." ]
  ] .

# - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------

<> a owl:Ontology;
  owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl;
  owl:versionIRI <> .

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.