Release 4B Ballot #1

This page is part of the FHIR Specification v4.1.0: R4B Ballot. About the R4B version of FHIR. The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 Value Set

Patient Care Work Group Maturity Level: 1Draft Use Context: Any

This is a value set defined at .


Defining URL:
Title:Condition Stage Type

Example value set for the type of stages of cancer and other conditions

Committee:Patient Care Work Group
OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.171 (for OID based terminology systems)

This resource includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these specifications must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact or

Source ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:


This expansion generated 11 Mar 2021

This value set has >1000 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown

Expansion based on SNOMED CT International edition 31-Jan. 2020

All codes from system

261023001 Pathological staging (qualifier value)
260998006 Clinical staging (qualifier value)
254291000 Staging and scales
13808002 WR stage 3
15972002 WR stage 2
42114005 WR stage 1
66470009 WR stage 5
74542008 WR stage 4
83200007 WR stage 6
106241006 Gleason grading for prostatic cancer
106242004 Walter Reed staging of prostatic cancer
106244003 FIGO staging of endometrial carcinoma
106245002 FIGO staging of vulvar carcinoma
106246001 FIGO staging of vulvar melanoma
106247005 FIGO staging for epithelial tumor of ovary
106250008 FIGO staging of cervical carcinoma
106252000 Staging classification for lymphoma
110375007 Overlapping tumor
134438001 Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification of angina
135831005 Cardiovascular Limitations and Symptoms Profile angina score
135832003 CLASP ankle swelling score
135833008 CLASP shortness of breath score
135877001 Stroke risk
160723003 Housing dependency scale
165270003 Physical disability assessment score
165271004 Physical disability admission score
165272006 Physical disability inpatient score
165273001 Physical disability discharge score
165274007 Physical disability outpatient score
165275008 Physical disability DV score
251893009 Symptom ratings
251894003 Exertion rating
251895002 Leg fatigue rating
251896001 Breathlessness rating
251897005 Chest pain rating
254292007 Tumor staging
254293002 TNM tumor staging
254294008 TNM Head and neck tumor staging
254295009 TNM Lip and oral cavity tumor staging
254296005 TNM Oropharynx tumor staging
254297001 TNM Nasopharynx tumor staging
254298006 TNM Hypopharynx tumor staging
254299003 TNM Supraglottic larynx tumor staging
254300006 TNM Glottic larynx tumor staging
254301005 TNM Subglottic larynx tumor staging
254302003 TNM Maxillary sinus tumor staging
254303008 TNM Salivary glands tumor staging
254304002 TNM Thyroid gland tumor staging
254305001 TNM Digestive system tumor staging
254306000 TNM Esophagus tumor staging
254307009 TNM Stomach tumor staging
254309007 TNM Small intestine tumor staging
254310002 TNM Colon and rectum tumor staging
254311003 TNM Anal canal tumor staging
254312005 TNM Liver tumor staging
254313000 TNM Gallbladder tumor staging
254314006 TNM Extrahepatic bile ducts tumor staging
254315007 TNM Ampulla of vater tumor staging
254316008 TNM Pancreas tumor staging
254317004 TNM Lung and pleural tumor staging
254318009 TNM Lung tumor staging
254319001 TNM Pleural mesothelioma tumor staging
254320007 TNM bone and soft tissue tumor staging
254321006 TNM Bone tumor staging
254322004 TNM Soft tissues tumor staging
254323009 TNM Skin tumor staging
254324003 TNM Carcinoma of skin tumor staging
254325002 TNM Malignant melanoma of skin staging
254326001 TNM Breast tumor staging
254327005 TNM Gynecological tumor staging
254328000 TNM Vulva tumor staging
254329008 TNM Vaginal tumor staging
254330003 TNM Cervix uteri tumor staging
254331004 TNM Corpus uteri tumor staging
254332006 TNM Ovary tumor staging
254333001 TNM Urological tumor staging
254334007 TNM Penis tumor staging
254335008 TNM Prostate tumor staging
254336009 TNM Testis tumor staging
254337000 TNM Kidney tumor staging
254338005 TNM Renal pelvis and ureter tumor staging
254339002 TNM Urinary bladder tumor staging
254340000 TNM Urethra tumor staging
254341001 TNM Ophthalmic tumor staging
254342008 TNM Carcinoma of eyelid staging
254343003 TNM Malignant melanoma of eyelid staging
254344009 TNM Carcinoma of conjunctiva staging
254345005 TNM Malignant melanoma of conjunctiva staging
254346006 TNM Malignant melanoma of uvea staging
254347002 TNM Malignant melanoma of iris staging
254348007 TNM Malignant melanoma of ciliary body staging
254349004 TNM Malignant melanoma of choroid staging
254350004 TNM Retinoblastoma staging
254351000 TNM Sarcoma of orbit staging
254352007 TNM Lacrimal gland carcinoma staging
254353002 TNM Brain tumor staging
254354008 TNM Hodgkin's disease staging
254355009 TNM Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma staging
254356005 TNM Pediatric tumor staging
254357001 TNM Wilms' tumor staging
254358006 TNM Neuroblastoma staging
254359003 TNM Soft tissue sarcoma staging
254360008 Dukes staging system
254361007 Astler-Coller staging system
254362000 Modified Astler-Coller staging system
254363005 International neuroblastoma staging system
254364004 NWTS - National Wilms' tumor study staging system
254365003 Siopel liver staging system
254366002 Stannard staging system for retinoblastoma
254368001 United Kingdom children's cancer study group central nervous system tumor staging system
254370005 St Jude's malignant histiocytosis tumor staging system
254371009 St Jude's non-Hodgkin's lymphoma staging system
254372002 Ann Arbor lymphoma staging system
254373007 Ann Arbor Hodgkin's disease tumor staging system
254374001 Ann Arbor non-Hodgkin's lymphoma tumor staging system
254375000 Cotswolds Hodgkin's disease tumor staging system
254376004 Testicular tumor staging systems
254378003 Walter Reed testicular tumor staging system
254379006 Indiana University testicular tumor staging system
254380009 Marshall Modification of Jewett-Strong staging system for urinary bladder tumor
254381008 American Urological Association staging system for prostate cancer
254382001 Trophoblastic malignancy staging system
254383006 FIGO staging of gynecological malignancy
254384000 FIGO Vaginal tumor staging
254385004 Federation internationale de gynecologie et d'obstetrique staging of corpus uteri malignancy
254386003 Federation Internationale de gynecologie et d'obstetrique staging of ovarian malignancy
254387007 HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus infection classification systems
258232002 Cancer staging
258233007 Generic tumor staging descriptor
258234001 TNM tumor staging classifications
258235000 UICC
258236004 AJCC
258244004 G status
258246002 L status
258247006 V status
258257007 Additional tumor staging descriptor
258258002 (f)
258259005 is
258260000 (d)
258267002 Generic tumor risk status stages
258268007 Low risk tumor
258269004 Medium risk tumor
258270003 High risk tumor
258271004 Specific tumor staging descriptor
258272006 Liver tumor staging descriptor
258273001 Liver tumor size index
258276009 Timing of liver tumor staging
258279002 Lymphoma staging symptom status values
258280004 Lymphomatous extranodal involvement status values
258281000 S+ minimal
258282007 S+ extensive
258283002 Lymphomatous nodal involvement
258284008 Stannards retinoblastoma stages
258285009 Optic nerve tumor invasion status in retinoblastoma staging
258286005 Choroidal tumor invasion status in retinoblastoma staging
258292004 Lymph nodal tumor invasion status in retinoblastoma staging
258293009 Brain tumor invasion status in retinoblastoma staging
258301001 Langerhans cell histiocytosis stage
258302008 Number of organ systems involved with Langerhans cell histiocytosis
258303003 Single system involvement
258304009 Multisystem involvement
258305005 Organ failure due to Langerhans cell histiocytosis
258306006 Vital organ failure
258307002 Non-vital organ failure
258309004 Generic lymph node tumor invasion status stage
258310009 Neck node tumor involvement
258311008 M+
258312001 Axillary lymph node level
258313006 Level I
258314000 Midaxilla
258315004 Level III
258316003 Retroperitoneal lymph node tumor invasion status
258318002 Generic anatomical site tumor invasion status
258319005 Lung involvement stages
258320004 Lung stage L2
258321000 Lung stage L3
258322007 H+
258323002 Liver sectors
258324008 Liver sector 1
258325009 Liver sector 2
258326005 Liver sector 3
258327001 Liver sector 4
258328006 Markers for liver tumor staging
261663004 Tumor stage Ta
261731003 CNS metastases
261789009 Extra CNS metastases
261985008 No metastases
263487004 Borg scale
263638005 Endometriosis classification of American Fertility Society
273249006 Assessment scales
273251005 Aachen aphasia test
273252003 ABC chart
273253008 ABC test for movement
273254002 AIS - Abbreviated injury scale
273255001 AMT - Abbreviated mental test
273256000 AIMS - Abnormal involuntary movement scale
273257009 Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
273258004 APACHE II - Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II
273259007 Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation III
273260002 Addiction severity index
273261003 Adult personality rating schedule
273262005 ABS - Affect balance scale
273263000 AIDS risk behavior knowledge test
273264006 ADS - Alcohol dependence scale
273265007 Alcohol use disorders identification test
273266008 Alcohol use inventory
273267004 Allen cognitive level screening tool
273269001 ADAS - Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale
273270000 American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification
273271001 ANELT
273273003 Anomalous sentence test - Kopelman
273274009 Anorexic attitudes questionnaire
273275005 ABS - Anorexic behavior scales
273276006 Aphasia language performance scales
273277002 Whurr - Aphasia screening test
273279004 Apraxia battery for adults
273280001 Arizona battery for communication disorders of dementia
273282009 AIMS2 - Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2
273283004 ASEPSIS score for wound infection
273284005 Ashworth assessment scale
273286007 Assessment and therapy program for dysfluent children
273288008 Assessment of motor and process skills
273289000 AOF - Assessment of occupational function
273290009 Assessment protocol of pragmatic linguistic skills
273291008 Aston index
273292001 Attributional style questionnaire
273293006 Auditory comprehension test for sentences
273294000 Augmentative communication profile
273295004 Autistic features checklist
273296003 Autobiographical memory interview
273298002 Bamford Kowal and Bench non-picture related
273299005 BKBPR - Bamford Kowal and Bench picture related
273300002 Bangor dyslexia test
273301003 Bankson language test
273302005 Barthel index
273305007 Bayley scale of infant development
273306008 Beck depression inventory
273307004 Beck anxiety standardized rating scale
273308009 BEST - Bedside evaluation and screening test of aphasia
273309001 Beery-Buktenica test of visual motor integration
273310006 Behavior and mood disturbance scale
273311005 Behavior assessment battery
273312003 Behavior problem checklist
273313008 Behavior rating scale
273314002 Behavioral inattention test
273315001 BOS - Behavioral observation schedule
273316000 Behavioral screening questionnaire
273317009 Bennett's test of manual dexterity
273319007 Bexley-Maudsley automated psychological screening
273320001 Binge eating scale
273321002 BORB - Birmingham object recognition battery
273322009 Blakely dyspraxia assessment
273323004 Blessed dementia rating scale
273324005 Blissymbols test
273325006 Body shape questionnaire
273326007 Boehm test of basic concepts
273327003 Booker heterotopic ossification score
273328008 Boston aphasia scale
273329000 Boston diagnostic aphasia examination
273330005 Boston naming test
273331009 Bracken test of basic concept scale
273332002 Brief activities of daily living
273333007 BDRS - Brief depression rating scale
273334001 Bristol language assessment scale
273335000 British ability scales
273337008 British ability scales reading test
273338003 BAS - British ability scales spelling test
273339006 British isles lupus assessment group score
273341007 Bryant and Bradley rhyming task
273342000 Buffalo assessment profile - Wilson
273343005 Bulimia test
273344004 Bulimic investigation test - Edinburgh
273345003 Bus story
273347006 Cage questionnaire
273348001 California personality inventory
273349009 Callier-Azusa scale
273350009 Camberwell family interview
273351008 CAB - Cambridge apraxia battery
273352001 Cantril ladder assessment
273353006 Carrow elicited language inventory
273354000 Carrow screening test of auditory comprehension
273355004 Chailey Heritage lying assessment
273356003 Chailey Heritage seating assessment
273357007 Checklist of communicative competence
273358002 Checklist of conversational abilities
273359005 Checklist of listening behaviors
273360000 OT - Chessington occupational therapy neurological assessment battery
273361001 Child assessment schedule
273362008 CDS - Child depression scale
273363003 Children's coma scale
273364009 Crohn's disease activity index
273365005 CAPE - Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly
273366006 Clinical anxiety scale
273367002 Clinical dementia rating scale
273368007 CEDRI - Clinical eating disorder rating instrument
273369004 Clinical evaluation of language function revised
273370003 Clinical evaluation of language function revised - screening test
273371004 Clinical evaluation of language function revised - preschool test
273372006 Clinical observation of motor and postural skills
273373001 CAAP - Cocaine abuse assessment profile
273374007 Cognitions questionnaire
273375008 Cognitive failures questionnaire
273376009 CASP - Communication assessment profile for adults with a mental handicap
273378005 CIDI - Composite international diagnostic interview
273379002 Comprehensive drinker profile
273380004 CRIS - Comprehensive injury scale
273381000 Comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation scale
273382007 CES - Compulsive eating scale
273383002 Constant and Murley shoulder assessment score
273384008 Consumer satisfaction questionnaire
273385009 Co-op function charts
273386005 PFCT - Cooper personalized fluency control therapy
273387001 Coping responses inventory
273388006 Crichton vocabulary scale
273389003 Daily activities questionnaire
273390007 Dallas pain questionnaire
273391006 Daniels and Diack reading tests
273392004 Daniels and Diack graded word spelling test
273393009 De Gangi-Berk sensory functioning in infants
273394003 Delighted-terrible faces scale
273395002 Denver development scale
273396001 Denver developmental subscale - gross motor
273397005 Denver developmental subscale - language
273398000 Denver developmental subscale - personal/social
273399008 Denver developmental subscale - fine motor/adaptive
273400001 Denver development scale screening test
273401002 Denver development scale screening test - schedule for growing skills
273402009 Depression anxiety scale
273403004 Depression self rating scale
273408008 Dermatology life quality index
273409000 DSFI - Derogatis sexual functioning inventory
273411009 Diabetes clinic satisfaction questionnaire
273412002 DTSQ - Diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire
273413007 Diabetes wellbeing questionnaire
273414001 DICA - Diagnostic interview for children and adolescents
273415000 Diagnostic interview schedule
273416004 DSDT - Diagnostic speech discrimination test
273417008 DSED - Diagnostic survey for eating disorders
273418003 DINE - Dietary instrument for nutrition education questionnaire
273419006 Digit sequence learning
273420000 Disability assessment schedule
273421001 Disability rating scale
273422008 Discourse abilities profile
273423003 Dol scale
273424009 Doyle articular index
273425005 Drinking problem scale
273426006 DAST - Drug abuse screening test
273427002 Dubowitz score
273428007 Duke UNC health profile
273430009 Durrell test of listening comprehension
273431008 Eakin index
273432001 Eating attitudes test
273433006 EAT 26 - Abbreviated eating attitudes test
273434000 EBRS - Eating behavior rating scale
273435004 Eating disorders inventory
273436003 Eating inventory
273437007 ECOG scale for physical assessment
273438002 Edinburgh articulation test
273439005 EFCP - Edinburgh functional communication profile
273440007 Revised Edinburgh functional communication profile
273441006 Edinburgh postnatal depression scale
273442004 Edmans ADL index - Edmans activities of daily living index
273443009 Elia normogram
273444003 English picture vocabulary test
273445002 Enthesitis index
273446001 EORTC - Quality of life questionnaire
273447005 EuroQOL
273448000 Extended activities of daily living scale
273449008 EPI - Eysenck personality inventory
273450008 Facial recognition test
273451007 Fagerstrom tolerance questionnaire
273452000 RTQ - Revised tolerance questionnaire
273453005 Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence
273454004 FAIDSS - Fear of AIDS scale
273455003 Fear survey schedule
273456002 Feeding assessment schedule
273457006 Feelings of fatness questionnaire
273458001 FTT - Finger tapping test
273459009 FIRST screening test
273460004 Frankel grading system for spinal cord injury
273461000 FAI - Frenchay activities index
273462007 Frenchay aphasia screening test
273463002 FDA - Frenchay dysarthria assessment
273465009 Fullerton language test for adolescents
273466005 Functional assessment measure
273467001 Functional communication assessment for physically handicapped children
273468006 Functional communication profile
273469003 FIM - Functional independence measure
273470002 Functional limitation profile
273471003 FMPS - Functional meal preparation scale
273472005 Functional status index
273473000 FSST - Fundamental speech skills test
273474006 Galveston orientation and amnesia test
273477004 General assessment of neurological impairment
273478009 General clerical test
273479001 General health questionnaire
273480003 GWBS - General wellbeing schedule
273481004 Geriatric depression scale
273482006 German test of wordfinding
273483001 Glasgow abbreviated mental test score
273484007 Glasgow outcome scale
273485008 Goldman cardiac risk index
273486009 Goldman-Fristoe test
273487000 Golombrok-Rust inventory of sexual satisfaction
273488005 Goodenough draw-a-man test
273489002 Goodenough norms
273490006 GRBAS scale
273492003 Graded naming test
273493008 Graham-Kendall memory for designs test
273494002 Grammatical analysis of elicited language
273495001 Grammatical contrasts test
273496000 Gunzberg primary progress assessment chart of social development
273497009 Gunzberg progress assessment chart of social development number 1
273498004 Gunzberg progress assessment chart of social development number 2
273499007 Hachinski ischemia score
273500003 Hall and Baker rehabilitation evaluation
273501004 Halstead-Reitan battery
273502006 Hamb hip score
273503001 Hamilton rating scale for depression
273504007 Lorr's modified multidimensional scale for rating psychiatric patients
273505008 Hampshire assessment for living with others
273508005 Harvey and Bradshaw index
273509002 Hauser ambulatory categories
273510007 Health assessment questionnaire
273511006 MHAQ - Modified health assessment questionnaire
273512004 Healthcare assessment questionnaire - Sidney Benjamin
273513009 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (generic version)
273514003 Health status index
273515002 Hearing handicap inventory for the elderly
273516001 HHS - Hearing handicap scale
273517005 Hidden figures test
273520002 Hopelessness scale
273521003 Hopkins symptom checklist
273522005 Hornsby articulation test
273523000 Hornsby test of language development
273524006 Hospital anxiety and depression scale
273525007 Hospital trauma index
273526008 Human interaction assessment
273527004 Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities
273528009 IISI - Illness-injury severity index
273529001 Illness behavior questionnaire
273530006 Impact of event scale
273531005 Index of activities of daily living
273533008 ISS - Injury severity score
273534002 Instrumental activities of daily living
273535001 INREAL - Inter-reactive language analysis
273536000 Interaction checklist for augmentative communication
273537009 Interest checklist
273538004 IOWA low back rating scale
273539007 IOWA structured psychiatric interview
273540009 Ischemia score
273542001 Jarman index
273543006 Jebsen hand function test
273544000 Jones word order test
273546003 Karnofsky performance status
273547007 Katz activities of daily living
273548002 KASR - Katz adjustment scale - relatives form
273549005 Kendrick battery for detection of dementia in the elderly
273550005 Kenny index of ADL
273551009 Kielhofner role checklist
273552002 Kirwan Thompson articular index
273553007 Klein-Bell ADL scale
273554001 Kurtzke multiple sclerosis rating scale
273555000 LCS - Lambeth communication scale
273556004 Lambeth disability screening questionnaire
273557008 Lamh assessment checklist
273558003 Language assessment remediation and screening procedure
273559006 Lansbury articular index
273560001 Last six months of drinking questionnaire
273561002 Learning development aids - handwriting assessment
273562009 Leeds scales for the self-assessment of anxiety and depression
273564005 Leiter international performance scale
273565006 Lequesne index
273566007 Lequesne index - hip
273567003 Lequesne index - knee
273568008 Letter cancelation test
273569000 Life events and difficulties scale
273570004 Life events inventory
273571000 Life satisfaction index
273572007 LSIA - Life satisfaction index A
273573002 Life satisfaction index B
273574008 LSIZ - Life satisfaction index Z
273575009 Likert scale
273576005 Lincoln rehabilitation assessment
273577001 Lindamood auditory conceptualization test
273578006 Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment
273580000 London hospital pain chart assessment
273581001 Luria neuropsychological battery
273582008 MacAndrew scale
273584009 Make-a-picture story test
273585005 Mallampati score
273586006 Master questionnaire
273587002 Revised Master questionnaire
273588007 Matson assessment
273589004 McConkey score
273590008 McCormick miniature toy discrimination test
273591007 McCormick miniature toy discrimination test - automated
273592000 McCormick miniature toy discrimination test - manual
273593005 McGill pain chart questionnaire
273594004 MHIQ - McMaster health index questionnaire
273595003 McTears assessment of conversation
273596002 Medical outcomes study short form general health survey
273597006 Medical outcomes study short form general health survey - 36
273598001 MOS SF - 20 - Medical outcomes study short form general health survey - 20
273599009 Medical Research Council motor power scale
273600007 Medical Research Council questionnaire
273601006 Mental status questionnaire
273602004 Mental test quotient
273603009 Mental test score - long version
273604003 Merle d'Aubigne - Charnley hip score
273608000 Michigan alcoholism screening test
273609008 BMAST - Brief Michigan alcoholism screening test
273610003 Short Michigan alcoholism screening test
273611004 MEAMS - Middlesex elderly assessment of mental state
273613001 Midlands spelling test
273614007 Mill Hill vocabulary scale
273615008 Miller assessment for preschoolers
273616009 Milwaukee evaluation of daily living skills
273617000 Mini-mental state examination
273619002 Modified mini-mental state examination
273621007 Minnesota test for differential diagnosis of aphasia
273622000 Shortened Schuell - Shortened Minnesota test for differential diagnosis of aphasia
273623005 Modified card sorting test
273624004 MISS - Modified injury severity scale
273625003 Modified word learning test
273627006 Mood adjective checklist
273628001 Morgan-Barry auditory discrimination and attention test
273629009 Morningside rehabilitation status scale
273630004 Mortality probability model
273631000 Mortality prediction model II
273632007 MFS - Motives for smoking scale
273633002 Motor assessment scale
273634008 Motricity index
273635009 Mount Wilga high level language screening assessment
273636005 Movement of upper limb evaluation
273637001 Multilevel informal language inventory
273638006 Multilingual aphasia examination
273639003 Munich alcoholism test
273640001 NART - National adult reading test
273641002 Neale analysis of reading ability
273642009 Nelson schedule of growing skills
273643004 Neurobehavioral cognitive status examination
273644005 Neuropsychological battery
273645006 Newcastle articulation test
273646007 Newcastle dyspraxia assessment
273647003 Newcastle phonology assessment
273648008 Nine hole peg test
273649000 Norris functional scale
273651001 Northwick Park index of independence in ADL
273652008 NHP - Nottingham health profile
273654009 Nuffield dyspraxia assessment
273656006 Object naming test
273657002 Occasions for smoking scale
273658007 Occupational case analysis interview and rating scale
273659004 Occupational performance history interview
273660009 Odstock hand assessment
273661008 OPCS disability scales
273662001 OPCS behavior disability scale
273663006 OPCS communication disability scale
273664000 OPCS consciousness disability scale
273665004 OPCS continence disability scale
273666003 OPCS dexterity disability scale
273667007 OPCS disfigurement disability scale
273668002 OPCS eating, drinking and digestion disability scale
273669005 OPCS hearing disability scale
273670006 OPCS intellectual functioning disability scale
273671005 OPCS locomotion disability scale
273672003 OPCS personal care disability scale
273673008 OPCS reaching and stretching disability scale
273674002 OPCS seeing disability scale
273675001 Oswestry disability index
273677009 Oxford grading scale for muscle strength
273680005 Padua inventory
273681009 Pediatric clinical test of sensory integration and balance
273682002 Pediatric oral skills profile
273683007 PRISM - Pediatric risk of mortality
273684001 Pediatric trauma score
273685000 Pain diary
273686004 Pantomime test
273687008 Partners in augmentative communication training
273688003 Patient activity checklist
273689006 Patient satisfaction score
273690002 16PF - Personality factor questionnaire
273691003 PETAL speech assessment procedure
273692005 Peabody picture vocabulary test
273693000 PSI - Perceptions of stuttering inventory
273694006 Performance test of activities of daily living
273695007 Personality assessment schedule
273696008 Philadelphia geriatric center morale scale
273697004 Phonological assessment of child speech
273699001 PIP developmental charts
273701001 Picture pointing test
273702008 Porch index of communicative ability
273703003 PANSS - Positive and negative syndrome scale
273704009 Pragmatics profile
273705005 Pragmatics profile of early communication skills
273706006 Preschool behavior check list
273707002 Pre-school Boehm
273709004 Pre-speech assessment scale
273711008 Preschool language scale
273712001 Previous IQ assessment by pronunciation
273713006 Probability of death score
273714000 Problem oriented medical record
273715004 PRISM - Profile in semantics
273716003 Profile of communicative appropriateness
273717007 Profile of mood states
273718002 PALPA - Psycholinguistic assessments of language processing in aphasia
273719005 Psychological adjustment to illness scale
273720004 PULSES profile
273721000 Purdue pegboard scale
273722007 Pyramids and palm trees test
273723002 Quadriplegia index of function
273724008 QALYs - Quality adjusted life years
273725009 Quality of life scale
273726005 Quality of wellbeing scale
273728006 Rand functional limitations battery
273729003 Rankin scale
273730008 Rappaport disability rating scale
273731007 Rating communicative behavior in head injured adults
273732000 Ravens colored progressive matrices
273733005 Ravens standard progressive matrices
273735003 Read word discrimination test
273736002 Reading comprehension battery for aphasia
273737006 RFES - Reasons for eating scale
273738001 Reasons for smoking scale
273739009 Receptive expressive emergent language scale
273740006 RMT - Recognition memory test
273741005 Relatives' stress scale
273742003 RI - Renal index
273743008 Renfrew action picture test
273744002 Renfrew articulation test
273745001 Renfrew wordfinding
273746000 Repertory grid
273747009 Reporters tests
273748004 Resistance to change grid
273749007 Respiratory index
273750007 Restrained eating inventory
273751006 Revised Iowa scale for rating severity
273752004 Reynell developmental language scales
273753009 Reynell receptive language assessment
273754003 Reynell expressive language assessment
273756001 Reynell Zinkin language scale for the visually impaired
273757005 Right hemisphere battery
273758000 Ritchie articular index
273761004 RBMT - Rivermead behavioral memory test
273762006 RMA - Rivermead motor assessment
273763001 Rivermead perceptual assessment battery
273764007 Robertson dysarthria assessment
273765008 Robertson dysarthria profile
273766009 Roehampton ADL for amputees
273767000 Rose Summers pragmatic profile
273768005 Ross information processing assessment
273769002 Rosser's classification of illness states
273770001 Roth and Spekman list of communicative intentions
273771002 Rotterdam symptom check list
273772009 Routine task inventory
273774005 Rutter Behaviour Questionnaire
273775006 Rutter A scale
273776007 Rutter B scale
273777003 Rutter B2 scale
273778008 S scale Andrews and Cutler
273779000 Salford reading test
273780002 Samaritan orientation test
273781003 Sandwell bilingual comprehension test
273782005 Santa Clara valley medical center functional assessment measure
273783000 Savary Miller scale
273784006 SECS - Scale of early communication skills
273785007 Schwachmann score
273786008 Schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry
273787004 Schnijders Ooman test for deaf children
273788009 Schofield equation
273791009 Scissor skills checklist
273792002 Screening for developmental apraxia of speech
273793007 Screening test for auditory processing disorders
273795000 Sensory integration and praxis test - Ayres
273797008 SCT - Sentence comprehension test
273798003 Serial sevens test
273799006 Severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire
273800005 SODQ - Severity of opiate dependence questionnaire
273801009 Shaper index
273802002 Short alcohol dependence data
273803007 Short orientation - memory - concentration test
273804001 Short orientation-memory-concentration test - alternative version
273805000 Short-term memory test
273806004 Shulman test of pragmatic skills
273807008 Sickness impact profile
273809006 Silvers cerebral function test
273811002 Simplified acute physiology score
273812009 Simplified acute physiology scale II
273813004 SCQ - Situational confidence questionnaire
273814005 Situations for eating scale
273815006 Smith cognitive questionnaire
273816007 Social adjustment scale
273817003 SAS II - Social adjustment scale II
273818008 Social adjustment scale self - report
273819000 Social behavior assessment scale
273820006 Social support questionnaire
273822003 STAP - South Tyneside assessment of phonology
273823008 South Tyneside assessment of syntactic structures
273824002 FGP - Southern California figure ground visual perception test
273825001 Southern California postrotary nystagmus test
273826000 Southern California sensory integration test
273827009 Spare time activities questionnaire
273828004 Special hospitals assessment of personality
273829007 Speech intelligibility assessment procedure
273830002 Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory
273831003 Quality of life index
273833000 St George's hospital respiratory questionnaire
273834006 St Thomas's disability questionnaire
273835007 SAP - Standardized assessment of personality
273836008 Stanford Binet intelligence scale
273837004 Steinbrocker functional classification
273838009 Stimulus response inventory
273839001 Stocker probe technique for diagnosis and treatment of stuttering in young children
273840004 Stockton geriatric rating scale
273841000 Story completion test
273842007 Structured observation test of function
273843002 SCID - Structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R
273844008 Structured interview for DSM-III personality disorders
273845009 Stuttering intervention program
273846005 Stuttering prediction instrument
273847001 Stuttering severity instrument
273848006 Stycar hearing test
273849003 Subjective global assessment
273850003 Substance use disorder diagnostic schedule
273851004 Sue Spence assessment
273852006 Suicide risk scale
273853001 Sunnybrook cord injury scale
273854007 Supplementary language test
273856009 Swollen joint count
273857000 Symbol digit modalities test
273858005 Symbolic play test
273859002 Symptom checklist
273860007 SLT - Synonym learning test
273861006 Systematic fluency training for young children
273862004 Systemic lupus activity measure
273863009 SLEDAI - Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index
273864003 Tamb test
273865002 Tender joint count
273867005 Test for auditory perception of speech
273868000 TACL - Test of auditory comprehension of language
273869008 Test of auditory discrimination
273870009 Test of language competence
273871008 Test of language development 2
273872001 Test of motor impairment - Stott-Moyes-Henderson
273873006 Test of pragmatic skills
273874000 Test of reception of grammar
273875004 TSA - Test of syntactic abilities
273876003 Test of word finding in discourse
273877007 Test of word knowledge
273878002 Therapeutic intervention scoring system
273879005 TLFB - Time line follow back
273880008 Time trade off analysis
273881007 Token test
273882000 Trail making test
273883005 Trauma index
273884004 Trauma score
273885003 RTS - Revised trauma score
273886002 Trauma and injury severity score
273887006 Triage index
273888001 Valentine auditory memory test
273889009 Valpar 17 pre-vocational readiness battery
273891001 Vernon Cloze procedure reading test
273892008 Vernon graded word reading test
273893003 Vineland maturity scales adapted for the blind
273894009 Vineland social maturity scale
273895005 Vineland subquotient - general self-help
273896006 Vineland subquotient - communication
273897002 Vineland subquotient - locomotion
273898007 Vineland subquotient - occupation
273899004 Vineland subquotient - self-help in eating
273900009 Vineland subquotient - socialization
273901008 Vineland behavioral assessment
273902001 Visick symptom grade
273903006 VAS - Visual analog scale
273904000 Visual analog pain scale
273905004 Visual and perceptual assessment program
273906003 Visual object and spatial perception test
273908002 Voice assessment sheet - Martin
273909005 Voice evaluation form
273910000 Voice skills assessment
273912008 Waddell disability index
273913003 Wakefield self-assessment depression inventory
273914009 Ward behavior rating scale
273915005 Warner dysphagia assessment
273916006 Wechsler adult intelligence scale
273917002 Wechsler adult intelligence test - revised
273918007 Wechsler intelligence scale for children
273919004 Wechsler intelligence non-verbal performance assessment
273920005 Wechsler intelligence verbal assessment
273921009 Wechsler memory scale
273922002 Wechsler pre-school and primary scale of intelligence
273923007 Weigl - Goldstein - Scheerer color form sorting test
273924001 Wepman digit span test
273925000 Wepman test of auditory processing disorders
273926004 Wessex revised portage language checklist
273927008 Western aphasia battery
273928003 WPTAS - Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale
273929006 WHO depression scale
273930001 WHO handicap scale
273931002 WHO classification of impairments, disabilities and handicap scale
273932009 WHO economic self-sufficiency handicap scale
273933004 WHO mobility handicap scale
273934005 WHO occupation handicap scale
273935006 WHO orientation handicap scale
273936007 WHO physical independence handicap scale
273937003 WHO social integration handicap scale
273938008 Winslow feeding checklist
273939000 Wisconsin card sorting test
273940003 SDS - Zung self-rating depression scale
273941004 Zung's anxiety status inventory
273942006 Zung's self-rating anxiety scale
277318003 (m)
277457005 Histological grading systems
277459008 Daumas-Duport grading system
277460003 WHO CNS tumor grading system
277645005 Additional TNM descriptors
277646006 a - At autopsy
277647002 r - Tumor recurrence
277649004 y - During therapy/following treatment
277650004 m - Multiple tumors
277652007 f - Family history
277676004 d - Retinal involvement
278241006 Node stage G1
278242004 Node stage G2
278247005 Lung stage L1
278699003 Parsonnet score
278896008 Short form McGill pain questionnaire
278897004 Waterlow pressure sore risk score
278898009 Norton score
279101002 Verbal rating scale
281113000 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale - summated (generic version)
281114006 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale subscale (generic version)
281115007 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale item 1 - aggressive/disruptive behavior
281116008 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale item 2 - non-accidental self injury
281117004 HoNOS item 3 - alcohol/drug problem
281118009 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale item 4 - cognitive problems
281119001 HoNOS item 5
281120007 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale item 6 - hallucinations/delusions
281121006 HoNOS item 7
281122004 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale item 8 - other mental/behavioral problems
281123009 HoNOS item 9
281124003 HoNOS item 10
281125002 Health of the Nation Outcome scale item 11 - living conditions
281126001 HoNOS item 12
281400004 Ramsay sedation scale
281692008 Griffiths mental developmental scale
281693003 Gessell developmental scale
281844006 Health of the Nation Outcome subscale A
281845007 HoNOS subscale B
281846008 Health of the Nation Outcome subscale C
281848009 HoNOS subscale D
281849001 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale item (generic version)
282402005 V - Hepatic vein marker
282403000 P - Portal vein marker
282404006 E - Extrahepatic marker
282405007 M - Metastatic marker
282436004 E - Extralymphatic organ involvement marker
282437008 S - Splenic involvement marker
282466006 Suicide intent score scale
282467002 Suicide intent score scale - summated
282468007 Suicide intent score subscale
282469004 Suicide intent score subscale - attempt circumstances
282470003 Suicide intent score subscale - self report
282471004 Suicide intent score subscale - risk
284061009 GAF - Global assessment of functioning - 1993 DSMIV adaptation
284064001 BPRS - Brief psychiatric rating scale - 1962
284464005 Health of the Nation Outcome Scales
285713000 Guide to early movement skills checklist
285714006 BSTS - Bereweeke skill teaching system checklist
300991009 Webster score
303807002 Rule of nines
304705008 AAMR adaptive behavior scale
304706009 Acceptance of illness scale
304707000 Anomalous sentences repetition test
304708005 Arthritis impact measurement scale
304709002 Attitudes towards doctors and medicine scale
304710007 Beck hopelessness scale
304711006 Beck anxiety inventory
304712004 Beck scale for suicide ideation
304713009 BPCQ - Beliefs about pain control questionnaire
304714003 Bellak children's apperception test
304715002 Bender visual motor gestalt test
304716001 Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency
304717005 Cancer attitude inventory
304718000 Child depression scale, second research edition
304719008 Children's health locus of control scale
304720002 CECS - Courtauld emotional control scale
304721003 Crown-crisp experiential index
304722005 Culture-free self-esteem inventory
304723000 Delusions-symptoms-states inventory
304724006 Eysenck personality questionnaire
304725007 Family relations test
304726008 Forced choice ratings of health-related attributes
304727004 Framingham anger measure
304728009 Framingham type A behavior pattern measure
304729001 Fuld object memory evaluation
304730006 Functional performance record
304731005 General preventative health behaviors checklist
304732003 Hassles scale
304733008 Health knowledge measurement
304734002 Health value scale
304735001 Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities, revised edition
304736000 Inventory of drinking situations
304738004 Kaufman assessment battery for children
304739007 Life experiences checklist
304740009 LOT - Life orientation test
304741008 Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery, children's revision
304742001 Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery, form 1
304743006 Marlow-Crowne scale
304744000 MISS - Medical interview satisfaction scale
304745004 Mental adjustment to cancer scale
304746003 Merril-Palmer preschool performance scale
304747007 Motivation analysis test
304748002 Multidimensional health locus of control scale
304749005 Object relations technique
304750005 Pain coping strategies questionnaire
304751009 PILL - Pennebaker inventory of linguid languidness
304752002 Perceived control of insulin-dependent diabetes
304753007 PSS - Perceived stress scale
304754001 Personality deviance scale
304755000 PANAS - Positive and negative affect schedule
304756004 Prejudicial evaluation and social interaction scale
304757008 Profile of mood states, bipolar
304758003 Quick neurological screening test
304759006 Raven's progressive matrices and vocabulary scales
304760001 RLOC - Recovery locus of control scale
304761002 Reported health behaviors checklist
304762009 Revised token test
304763004 Reynell developmental language scales, second revision
304764005 Reynell Zinkin scale for young visually handicapped children
304765006 Rogers personal adjustment inventory, revised
304766007 RSES - Rosenberg self-esteem scale
304767003 Rust inventory of schizotypal cognitions
304768008 Satisfaction with life scale
304769000 Screening test for the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery
304770004 Short form social support questionnaire
304771000 SOS - Significant others scale
304772007 Snijders-Oomen non-verbal intelligence scale, revised
304773002 Stanford Binet intelligence scale, fourth edition
304774008 Stanford Binet form L/M
304775009 State-trait anger expression inventory
304776005 Stroop neuropsychological screening test
304777001 Symbolic play test, second edition
304778006 Token test for children
304779003 Uplifts scale
304780000 Varni-Thompson pediatric pain questionnaire
304781001 Vineland adaptive behavior scales
304915008 Duke's coronary artery disease score
307791002 Strange situation test
307792009 Rey figure test
307793004 Test of everyday attention
307794005 Test of everyday attention - adult
307795006 Test of everyday attention - child
307801002 Rivermead behavioral memory test - adult version
307802009 Rivermead behavioral memory test - child version
307803004 Wechsler objective numerical dimensions test
307804005 WOLD - Wechsler objective language dimensions test
307805006 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for children
307806007 Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for adolescents
307807003 Maudsley addiction profile
309593006 Education score - diabetes
311404002 Attention process training questionnaire
311405001 Rating scale of attentional behavior
311406000 Everyday memory questionnaire
311457001 Behavior assessment of the dysexecutive syndrome
311458006 Doors and people assessment
311471009 Extended 2 & 7 test
311472002 Alphabet number alteration test
311473007 Vigil/W test
311474001 Attentional capacity test
311475000 Consonant trigrams test
311477008 Buschke selective reminding test
311478003 California verbal learning test
311480009 Williams memory assessment scales
311481008 Wechsler memory scale revised
311483006 Association for neuropsychological research and development prospective memory test
311484000 PASAT - Paced auditory serial addition test
311485004 Category test
311486003 Profile of executive control system
311512008 Brixton test
311513003 Hayling test
311514009 Microcog - assessment of cognitive function
311515005 CARB - Computerized assessment of response bias
311516006 Symptom validity test
311521009 Rey complex figure test
311777009 Military skills assessment
311807004 Measurement of cognitive linguistic ability
311851008 Attention process training test
311854000 Life science associates assessment
311855004 Speeded reading of word lists
311856003 REACT - reaction tester
311858002 SEARCH - searching for patterns
311860000 Search a word
311861001 DETECT - error detection
311863003 BISECT - line bisection
311865005 JUMP - eye movement
311866006 MATCH - shape matching
311868007 Search for the odd shape
313061008 TNM Ethmoid sinus tumor staging
313118007 TNM Fallopian tube tumor staging
313119004 TNM Gestational trophoblastic tumor staging


See the full registry of value sets defined as part of FHIR.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

LvlA few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. For value sets, levels are mostly used to organize codes for user convenience, but may follow code system hierarchy - see Code System for further information
SourceThe source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
CodeThe code (used as the code in the resource instance). If the code is in italics, this indicates that the code is not selectable ('Abstract')
DisplayThe display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
DefinitionAn explanation of the meaning of the concept
CommentsAdditional notes about how to use the code