Register for an individual online class OR pay a subscription price and attend as many classes as you like. All class selections must be during the October and November 2018 HL7 FHIR Fall series package. You can purchase the subscription at any time and receive access to the recordings of any class you missed. NOTE: this does not include the FHIR Fundamentals class on November 1.
Subscription Price
HL7 Member Price: $950
Non-member Price: $1400
Student Price: $ 750
Individual Price
Each three-hour online class:
HL7 Member Price: $315
Non-member Price: $475
Student Price: $250
Each four and a half hour online class:
HL7 Member Price: $475
Non-member Price: $715
Student price: $375
Each 90 minute online class:
HL7 Member Price: $160
Non-member Price: $240
Student Price: $125
HAPI on FHIR (4.5 hrs)
October 16-18 | Recording Available
This tutorial will cover HAPI FHIR (, the reference implementation of HL7 FHIR for Java developers. Topics covered will include working with the FHIR data model, client and server development, validation and other related topics.
This tutorial includes instruction, as well as a hands-on component, where participants will create a working application on their own laptop.
This Tutorial Will Benefit:
Java developers looking to get started or improve their skills developing FHIR based solutions
Upon Completion of this Tutorial, Students Will:
Know the various components of the HAPI FHIR library and explain their uses within an application
Use the HAPI FHIR library to create a working client application, and a working server application on their own laptop
A working knowledge of Java is recommended, but advanced knowledge is not required. Participants are recommended to bring a laptop with a Java IDE installed (Eclipse, IntelliJ, or NetBeans recommended)
James Agnew: Co-Chair, HL7 Application Implementation and Design (AID) Work Group; Lead Architect & Developer Wrangler, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation (UHN)
FHIR Profiling (3 hrs)
October 23-24 | Recording Available
FHIR provides a set of building blocks from which interoperability solutions can be created. Profiles combine those blocks into solutions, serving a similar purpose to implementation guides, templates, archetypes and detailed clinical models associated with other HL7 standards.
This tutorial will demonstrate how to use profiles to shape the FHIR core specification for use in a specific national, regional or organizational context.
This Tutorial Will Benefit:
Data modelers, standards developers and HL7 Version 3 template authors who want to start using FHIR
Upon Completion of This Tutorial, Students Will Be Able To:
Explain what the FHIR conformance layer is and how it is used to profile FHIR for a specific context or use case
Describe the principal profiling components of the FHIR conformance layer
Describe the available FHIR conformance resources (structure definition, operation definition, search parameter, value set, concept map)
Identify how domain information requirements translate to conformance resources
Explain the role conformance resources are used to compose an implementation guide
Write a FHIR value set and structure definition for a single resource
Explain where and how to register and find existing conformance resources
Lloyd McKenzie, PEng: Co- Chair, HL7 FHIR Infrastructure Work Group; Member, FHIR Management Group; Co-Chair, HL7 Modeling and Methodology Work Group; Modeling and Methodology Facilitator-at-Large; Principal Consultant, LM&A Consulting Ltd.; Senior Consultant, Information Technology Services, Gevity Consulting
Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR (3 hrs)
October 30-31 | Recording Available
Terminology is a required foundational component for interoperable data exchange in FHIR and other clinical data standards. This tutorial takes an in-depth look at the use of standard terminologies within FHIR artifacts (datatypes, resources, profiles, etc.). The structures and use of the primary FHIR terminology resources, operations and coded data types are covered, including how these terminology artifacts and capabilities are used in support of coded elements in other FHIR resources and profiles. The tutorial will also discuss how terminology content and capabilities are made accessible and useable within a FHIR terminology service. Live examples from FHIR terminology servers will be used where possible to examine and illustrate the concepts.
This Tutorial Will Benefit:
Standards developers, implementers, terminologists, data modelers and architects
Upon Completion of This Tutorial, Students Will Be Able To:
Describe how code systems, value sets and related vocabulary artifacts and principles are applied within the FHIR terminology resources and datatypes
Explain how the FHIR terminology resources and datatypes support the needs for coded data in other FHIR resources and profiles
Use the primary FHIR terminology resources, data types and operations for creating specifications and implementing solutions that interoperably represent and exchange coded data
Describe the typical capabilities and usage scenarios of a FHIR terminology service
Introduction to HL7 FHIR (or equivalent familiarity with the FHIR standard and concepts)
Introduction to Vocabulary in HL7
Basic familiarity with one or more standard healthcare terminologies or classifications (e.g., SNOMED CT, LOINC, ICD-10) and terminology artifacts (e.g., code system, value set, mapping)
FHIR for Specifiers (optional, but may be helpful)
Ted Klein, Co-Chair, HL7 Vocabulary Working Group, HL7 Liaison to LOINC, HL7 Representative to ISO TC215, HL7 Fellow, President, Klein Consulting, Inc.
SMART on FHIR (1.5 hrs)
November 5 | 2:00 – 3:30 pm ET
In this tutorial, you will see how FHIR can enable EHR systems to incorporate apps, decision support and other external content to provide more configurable solutions that can be customized to support clinician needs
This Tutorial Will Benefit:
Decision-makers & software engineers
Upon Completion of this Tutorial, Students Will Be Able To:
Explain what SMART is and how it can be used within EHR systems
Describe the business model for SMART
Understand the security and privacy models for each
Identify how SMART is currently being used by the community
Understand the basics of implementing a SMART Client & Server
David Hay, MD: Co-Chair, FHIR Management Group; Product Strategist, Orion Healthcare
IHE on FHIR (3 hrs)
November 7-8 | 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET
This tutorial will enable discovery of the IHE profiles using HL7 FHIR, an emerging next generation standards framework created by HL7, leveraging the latest web standards and applying a tight focus on implementation. IHE on FHIR profiles cover a range of mobile applications (alert communication, care services discovery, medication management, etc.), classical IHE domains like patient demographic query and cross referencing, access to documents, and audit trail, and completely new domains (Inter-facility Patient Transport, Vital records reporting, Dynamic Care Planning and Team Management, etc.).
This Tutorial Will Benefit:
Software architects, vendors and developers
Persons interested in Software Procurement
Upon Completion of This Tutorial, Students Will Be Able To:
Understand the use of profiles (and specifically IHE Profiles)
Know which new IHE profiles are based on FHIR
Know where to find the IHE profiles based on FHIR and how to use them.
Understand the common guidance for the IHE use of FHIR (Appendix Z)
Know how and when to test FHIR based products for IHE profiles
Know the differences between classic and FHIR based IHE profiles
John Moehrke: Co-chair of the HL7 Security workgroup, a member of the FHIR Management Group, FHIR core team, and co-chair of IHE IT Infrastructure Planning Committee. Standards Architect specializing in Standards Architecture in Interoperability, Security, and Privacy for By Light Professional IT Services Inc.